CSS: Background-Image & Background-Repeat

In this tutorial I am going to give an overview on: Background-image, a css property that sets one or more background images for an element like div, paragraph etc., which by default gets placed at the top-left corner of that element, and can be repeated vertically and horizontally or both by using Background-repeat property.  Through this tutorial you will know …

How To Upload Full Image As A Header In Google Forms?

They say “The first impression is the last impression”. When your respondent views your form, what is the first thing that grabs his/her attention? Definitely, the header image isn’t it? Also, you can convey the full potential of your brand through the header image of the form. Therefore, you can’t compromise on its quality or …

4 Best jQuery Video Background Plugins (Free and Paid)

“Using a simple image or colored background is too mainstream, isn’t it?” If yes, then try adding something cool on the background of your website. Use jQuery Video Background Plugins to add attractive video & slider backgrounds on your website. With these plugins, you can actually drop the whole video functionality in the background of …

CSS Image Sprites

CSS sprites are used to reduce the number of HTTP requests send to server. The smaller images are combined into a larger one at defined X and Y coordinates. After assigning this generated image to relevant page elements, using the background-position CSS property we can then shift the visible area to the required component image. Why we use image sprites: 1 : …

CodeIgniter Image Library For Image Manipulation

While developing any web application there is a need to manipulate image dynamically such as while uploading an image. In this tutorial we are going to explain an example, which shows how to use CodeIgniter’s image library for Image Manipulation. You can find Image_Lib.php class inside your CodeIgniter project’s system/libraries folder. First load image_lib library in your …